I was able to upgrade Dolibarr from v 3.6 to 16.0.3 but now i cannot login anymore since all the user seem to have been configured via LDAP.
I had to use a blank installation of dolibarr (thus removing all the old directory files) and used the same database but it seems i might have gotten rid of some plugin files or config files i might need.
Any idea please what i need to retrieve from the old dolibarr v 3.6 directory to copy over the new install in order to be able to log in again?
Can you check the value of $dolibarr_main_authentication in conf/conf.php ?
// $dolibarr_main_authentication='dolibarr'; // Use the password defined into application on user file (default).
// $dolibarr_main_authentication='http'; // Use the HTTP Basic authentication
// $dolibarr_main_authentication='ldap'; // Check the password into a LDAP server
// $dolibarr_main_authentication='ldap,dolibarr'; // You can set several mode using a comma as a separator.
// $dolibarr_main_authentication='forceuser'; // This need to add also $dolibarr_auto_user='loginforuser';
// $dolibarr_main_authentication='twofactor'; // To use Google Authenticator. This need the non official external module "Two Factor" available on www.dolistore.com
Also can you check that you have users declared in llx_user db table?