Since version 14.0.x of Dolibarr I cannot print receipts from TakePOS of a dolibarr installation in a webhosting provider to a local thermal printer since the java connector stopped working with TakePOS.
Currently I updated to Dolibarr V17.0.1 and in this version the printer configuration is no longer available within the TakePOS module configuration. For this reason I am unable to set up any form of direct printing from this TakePOS installation to my local thermal printer.
I am trying to install the TakePOS Connector 17.0 external module but when installing the .zip of the external module, it is not available in the list of external modules, this apparently because the module says that it is only compatible up to version 17.0.0 of Dolibarr, Is there any way to fix this issue installing this module for Dolibarr 17.0.1?
This module (TakePOS Connector 17.0) could enable TakePOS to printing from a Webhosting installation to a local thermal printer?
There is another method to configure a local thermal printer to print receipts from TakePOS in a Dolibarr webhosting installation (cloud)?
In the spanish forum of takePOS helped me partially with this issue.
The problem is that the GUI interface for external modules installation wont install the correct directory tree for takeposconnector module and is needed to upload manually by FTP server the directory to the dolibarr “custom” directory in the dolibarr installation. After this, the module can be activated for takePOS direct printing to a local printer, then you must to download the WebApp Hardware Bridge from the link into the takeposconnector configuration.
I continue working in understand and configure the takepos connector and webapp hardware bridge local to direct print from TakePOS in a cloud installation, but currently the printing from takePOS to the local thermal printer isn’t working. I think is some configuration of the TakePOS connector or the configuration in the WebApp hardware bridge but I don’t know how to solve this.
I attach the log file from the WebApp Hardware Bridge (WHB) where first I tried to print from takePOS but didn’t worked and then I printed from the webpage printing test included with the WHB package and in this case it worked.