Can't Open Doliwamp After OS re installation


Any one help me how to open my existing doliwamp after OS re installation.i didn’t too k backup for data.know i unable to start dolibarr after reinstallation of OS(windows 10)

Please Help me


Sorry but if you didn’t take a backup before OS re-installation, no chance to have it working…

Did you erase the hard drive during re-instllation ?

Hi Arshadez,
If you didn’t take a backup of the dolibarr database then its difficult to restore the system. You will have to recreate it with printed documents.
Sorry! :unhappy:

The folder that contained the Doliwamp installation should still exist unless you formatted the hard drive. The shortcuts to it will have been removed by the re-install.
Find the installation and copy it somewhere safe for your reference while you get it working.

If you cannot find it, install Doliwamp on another computer to see “where” it gets installed by default and use that as your reference to find and fix your old install.


the Existing Copy is With Me Cause I Only Erase OS Installed Partition.

If i double click to start Run Doliwamp. The Web page Displayed Site Not Available/

not fully erase.

any luck


The documents are still there you have normally a document directory in the doliwamp directory could you check ?

FOr the database this is tricky, you should try something like that :