Chart of Accounts for UAE & India


Is there any built in chart of accounts for UAE or India based accounting accounts…?

like : /install/mysql/data/llx_accounting_account_XX.sql where XX is either AE or IN


Hi all,

Here is what I did for India accounts. They follow India Accounting Standards (INDAS).
Check out this link for more info : What is Accounting Standards? - Imprezz

  1. Visit the link : Ministry Of Corporate Affairs - Indian Accounting Standards to get all of the AS codes.
  2. Home>Setup>Dictionaries>Regions and check the country code (India code is : 11701 in Dictionary setup - Regions )
  3. Accounting>Setup>General and make ‘Length of the general accounting accounts’ to 6
  4. Set Accounting period (FY is Apr to Mar in India)
  5. Add a chart of account model for India and enable it. Disable all other countries.
  6. Go to chart of accounts and select India account in the drop down
  7. Click add and add each entry from the link given in step 1 and enable it.

and Voila…Now you are ready to assign right code it to customers, vendors and banks !

This is what being done through .sql file during installation automatically. thats all.

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For UAE chart of accounts, please refer to : IFRS - List of IFRS Standards and IFRIC Interpretations


Have you been implementing the Dolibarr ERP System in the UAE?

Would you mind who is your Auditor/Auditors?