Commercial proposal template - azur only avaialble

in my dolibaar /propal/card.php?id
proposal card there is only one Doc template only available, AZUR only
version 11 beta

Are expecting specific templates here ?
First of all, go to Home/Setup/Modules, then Proposals. There are listed the available templates you can activate or deactivate. You can also preview the result and set the default one to be used.

hi simicar
in the /public_html/dderp/htdocs/core/modules/propale/doc
pdf_cyan.modules.php is avilable, but its not showing, the module setup or in the proposal templates

On this page, you see only azur ?

That’s very strange, and I am afraid I won’t be able to help, sorry.


Yes only, azur. What will I do

Ok, I just figured out cyan is a ‘development’ version. In order for it to be listed, you either need to change that version or set the global configuration variable MAIN_FEATURES_LEVEL to 2. The latter approach will make available experimental and development features, so care should be taken with this.

Thanks simicar, its working now

You can create your own PDF templates which you have to enable at modules after creation.
You can see detailed document template creation article by the link below:
Create a PDF document template:

thanks orkut for the updates

A post was split to a new topic: Change translatiion of proposal