Create tags for ODT template from custom attributes and complete list of tags

I would like to use my custom attributes in a ODT template for order, manufaturing order, invoices and others… and I don’t kown how to do ind my template files.

Moreover, i would like to have a link or how to do to have the complete list of tags initally in the software.

Could someone help me?



Did you checked the wiki?


Yes, I checked the wiki but it is not completly clear, i have to create a module for my custom tags?

Is it possible to have a real exemple ?



You can buy this module to see how it is working : ExtraODT : additionnals features on ODT

Thanks for your reply, and is it possible to have a complete list with initial tags?

Yes on the wiki, the link above

I would like to create a customised template for manufacturing order, I placed the differents tags that I need, it works partially but I don’t arrive to add the product reference.
I try tu use {object_product_ref}, {objet_product} but no result …
Can you help me for this? what is the tag I have to use in this case?
