Hi, i’ve downloaded the version 5.0.2 from here:
I think that it’s the last stable version just now? Am i wrong?
The problem is during install process, in the step when the SQL are executed to create tables and insert some reference data (regions, departments, etc…). I’ve attached here a text document containing the list of errors when trying to insert regions and departments:
DB_ERROR_1366 - INSERT INTO llx_c_regions ( code_region, fk_pays, cheflieu, tncc, nom, active) values ( 10201, 102, NULL, NULL, ‘Αττική’, 1); - Incorrect string value: ‘\xCE\x91\xCF\x84\xCF\x84…’ for column ‘nom’ at row 1
DB_ERROR_1452 - insert into llx_c_departements (fk_region, code_departement,cheflieu,tncc,ncc,nom) values ( 1,‘971’,‘97105’,3,‘GUADELOUPE’,‘Guadeloupe’); - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (dolibarr
, CONSTRAINT fk_departements_fk_region
FOREIGN KEY (fk_region
) REFERENCES llx_c_regions
Before write here i’ve searched in this forum and i’ve not found NOTHING regarding this ¿?¿? In google i found that this error did exist in some versions 3.X
Please, help. Indeed, i’m using MySQL over Apache/Ubuntu.
Thanks in advance.