Disable stock / warehouse for specific items

Hi @all

is there a way to disable stock or warehouse usage for specific items?
We sell our own software in digital form so we would need no specific warehousing for these software product items.
But to create a delivery note or invoice we always need to have a sufficient amount of the products in stock.
This often leads to not to be able to create a delivery note due to an empty stock.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Best regards

I had the same problem with my bike shop. While most products require stocks and they need to be visible in the inventory, there is a lot of “bucket-stuff” like cables and cable housings, certain bolts and so on, which I don’t keep count of, I just always “have enough” of them

I solved it so that instead of making it a product, I made the cables as service, having similar product number as other products.

Services never run out of stock. It think this could work for software also, you will always have enough bits…

Hi @J-M

thanks for your reply.
Yes we have a sufficient amount of bits on stock :wink:

Did you notice any side effects with changing the products to services?
I need to check if there could be complications on delivery notes with services.

If this works - so if I can add a service to a delivery note it should be good to handle it in this way.

Best regards

I have not noticed any side effects. I have used this method since I started using Dolibarr. The cables housings have been on the list since 04/04/2014.It shous up or order confirmatiosn, delivery notes and invoices just like it would be a “normal” product.

Only thing I had to “lie” the ID manually. Normally I have separate product (MXXXXX) and service (SXXX) numbering.

It shows up like this, so only difference is the icon and - of course - the stock status:

ok thanks for the update.
this should then do the trick.
I’ll try to change some procucts to services and test it.

thanks again for the idea!

Best regards

Today I tried to look into this issue but I found no way to change a product into a service.
Is there a way on how to do so?

Or do I need to re-create this former products as services?