Dolibar Custom Installation


I and compared it against SuiteCRM but looking at what I need and what both applications we re providing I decided to go ahead with Dolibarr.

I did some testing with v 11 on a test server and being happy with the overall flow, I have now installed v12.0.3

I needed the finall URL to be However, my path was coming as: Without this my url path was coming as

So to achieve my end goal, I had to extract all files within htdocs files on public_html directory . So technically right now my htdocs has got ntohingin it everything has been dropped in public_html folder.

In Test under public_html folder I had dolibar folder under which I had: .github, documents, htdocs,scripts and few files and it worked perfectly fine. But now in Prod I have: public_html -> loads of files + dolibarr under which I have .github, documents (manually created), htdoc (without any file), scripts and few files.

So here are my 2 questions:

Is this setup right and secure?
In test environment it worked without any issue. So why not in prod environment?

If my setup is not right - why, what are/can be the issues and how to do fix it to ensure my final url is: dolibar dot mywebsite dot com rather than having many more subfolders afterward?

Many Thanks,


documents folder should not be accesible, so better to have it outside of public_html.

Any way, your first installation was good, to have dolibarr in dolibarr/htdocs/
Just need to modify your virtualhost directive to have

Hi, please set up your (sub)domain to the path dolibarr/htdocs Ask your provider for help if needed.
Your browser will look for the index file.
Setting your domain to a higher folder creates a security risk on your documents for instance.
Good luck!

Thanks for your input guys. Much appreciated.

So, if I understand it correctly - you are saying that my test installation was correct where all system files were under public_html->htdocs. Right?

It should not be in public_html folder. Right? can you please explain what do you mean by “(sub)domain to the path dolibarr/htdocs”. How and where I can do this?

@ksar when you say docunent folder, do you mean files and folder under htdocs or literally the “documents” folder? As far as “documents” folder is concerned, currently in Prod environment, it is under public_html -> dolibarr->documents. I hope this setting is fine because this is how I have it in test environment as well.

Many Thanks,

It’s the same ksar mentioned, it is a virtual host, please consult your provider.

Sorry but what do you mean by provider? I downloaded it myself and trying to install it myself. We use and implement a lot of opensource technology for ourselves and our customers.

However, in this case there is a technical debate within our own team and so I thought I will ask you. Looks like you guys have same opinion as I have, but the issue is: using my theory the dolibarr implementation is not coming off in the right way.

I want all the files to be in htdocs but if I do that my main URL is not more It becomes which defeats the whole purpose.

Can someone explain me how to keep all the files under htdocs and still have the main url as: dolibarr dot mywebsite dot com

Many Thanks,


As allready explained, you need to change the virtualhost to do that.
We can’t help you because this is out of dolibarr this depend on where dolibarr is installed.

So where doilibarr is installed ?