dolibar with orangehrm

i am just wonder how we can itegrated dolibar hrm with orangehrm, i have orangehrm already in my system


Look into the REST API of both applications.

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still can not figured out how to show menu employee from hrm menu… only showing expense report.
fyi i am using version 10.0.0-alpha

AFAIK There never was a section for employees under the HRM Menu in Dolibarr.
You either can use 3rd parties (contact) or Users for this purpose.

Otherwise use Menu Editor to create your own HRM Menu linking to the URLs of User and/or 3rd party and/or the REST API as already recommended.

Or do you use an acquired/developed custom module already which doesn’t work anymore with this pre-release version of Dolibarr?

Did you ever find a way to integrate orange into Dolibarr?