Dolibarr 10.0.4 - Idle timeout extend

PHP 7.1.33 / MySQLi 10.1.40-MariaDB / MySQLND 5.0.12-DEV on shared hosting.

To extend Dolibarr’s idle time out, I added following on .htaccess on home directory


php_value session.auto_start On
php_value session.cache_expire 36000
php_value session.cookie_lifetime 36000
php_value session.gc_maxlifetime 36000

and also changed Setup- Security - Misc to 36000 sec

But, it still go timingout for idle in an hour…
Is there any way to extend idle timeout to several hours more than 5 hours?

This is share hosting, i only have access FTP and MySQLAdmin (No shell access)

Here’s php info link

Anyone’s help will be greatly appreciated.

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