Dolibarr roadmap - Foundation vision

Does Dolibarr foundation has a road map?
Which major enhacements will have Dolibarr?
Is it going to develop better Dolidroid?
What is the vision of Dolibarr?


There is no real “roadmap”
You have some information here :
and there :"Priority+Top+Strategic"
Dolidroid is not part of the fundation, it is developp by an external compagny

Hi ksar,

I think the question asked is a very important question. Dolibarr is open source and free. In order for more companies to embrace dolibarr they will at least need to know where this is heading.

Now please do not get me wrong. Dolibarr is an amazing development. I think it is a great package. However, there is a couple of things I would like to point out. Please look at it the way I have intended it. Constructive criticism. I am in no way criticizing anyone personally. Here some concerns.

  • I miss consistency at times. By this I mean that things are done differently in different modules, while this could have been done in exactly the same manner. If the same it will make it easier for the end users to master the use of Dolibarr. This is not a bug. It is merely shows some shortcoming of how the Dolibarr project is being managed.
  • I think by further developing Dolibarr it will get more and more complicated. This in turn will result in difficulties when bugs or security issues are found.
  • I think the general approach should be reconsidered. I am not saying it is wrong and it should be changed. What I am saying that there needs to be an on-going discussion regarding this. Certain aspects of Dolibarr will sooner or later need to be overhauled. The longer you wait the more difficult it will be to achieve this.
  • I noticed that some data in some modules is stored separately. The result of this is that when the main data is updated that the secondary data, which is the same, will not be updated. I have seen this on a few occasions.
  • I notice in Dolibarr that we talk about members and contacts. Surprisingly, these are also stored in different tables in SQL. I strongly believe that this approach is flawed. I think there is 1 single table with people. And people can be marked as members and can be marked as contacts. People move around to often. This approach would allow for a lot more flexibility. People come and go. People move from one company to an other company. People may be involved with more than 1 company. Keep them together in 1 place is better, easier and helps keeping data consistent.
  • The thought process should be applied to entities. Your own company is an entity, So is a supplier and a customer. Consultancy. NGOs. Government institutions.
  • The possibilities for the following are already implemented, albeit in a limited manner. It should be possible to link all entities and persons. You have head offices and branch offices. Regional and local offices. It is not easy right now to bring this kind of structure into your data.
  • My biggest concern is security. Now I am not in a position to say that Dolibarr is not secure. I have no reason to say that. But security should also be on top of anybody’s list I think. Some of the following has been implemented in part. But here I go anyways. There should be both a horizontal and vertical approach to security. With horizontal I mean which modules and which part of a module do people have access to. Vertical refers to the amount of dat you have access to based on the security level given to you. This could be a level from 0-100 as I have seen in other CRM packages. People can be grouped according to function and department. People can be assigned different groups. And all the rights are assigned to groups and not to people.
  • There is very good help available when you are stuck with Dolibarr. However, the process works if you have an issue at hand. I while ago I had made a list of several dozen items that were wrong. Some bugs. Some aesthetics. I approached a board member and asked if I could just send an email with this document attached so you guys can take a look at it. I am obviously NOT going to open 30 odd cases in the help section. Than again, I was merely trying to help. It was explained to me that since you work decentralized this will not work because different people have different responsibilities. As a result this information has never been transferred to Dolibarr. I think that is a shame. 2 know more than 1 and 3 know more than 2. I am not saying I am right about all of the above, or the email I intended to send to you, but ignoring and dismissing it is the wrong approach for such a large project.

And now my biggest concern is that if the general approach of Dolibarr does not change, there will be a time when people look back and realize that what they have is a mere shadow of what they had and wished to accomplish when they first started the Dolibarr project.

Again, please take all tis as intended. It is not personal. It is supposed to be constructive. All I am trying to achieve with this is that it is being looked at and being thought about.

Best Regards,


EDIT: And I forgot to mention the following. Document Control. The size limit of a few MB on a doc is unacceptable in 2020. You want to be able to run paper free. This needs to be increased to a several hundred MB.

  • Documents are not limited to po, quotations and sales orders. You want a products service manuals, maintenance manuals, user manuals, warranty cards. Catalogues and brochures all stored in SQL. You guy sneed to weight the pros and cons of how you approach that, but for the time being I think this a serious limitations of Dolibarr. Right now a reference to these documents is stored in SQL with the actual document stored on your HDD. (ok, server.) All documents can also be stored in binary directly in SQL.I know this is being done by others. I worked with it and if the infrastructure is ok this works fine from what I remember. I do not recall annoying speed limitations because of an overloaded server, or network constraints. This was in a company with 400-2000 users of whom about 150 had permanent acces and used it on a daily basis.
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agree with you. I accepted a project which use Dolibarr to dev a module, but I would like Symfony

I like your opinion. I think I will make a dif for dolibarr

Hi Eldy,

Thank you very much for your elaborate response.

I agree with much of what you say in your response. Especially that it will always be impossible to please everybody…

Very happy to hear your comments regarding security.

I will try to be a little more patient next time…

Thanks and continue the great work.


Hello, i will also add my 2 cents about the “security” point; i have developed an external module for managing permissions on product (by user or group for product or category of product) but i think i’ve made 1 or maybe 2 sales of this module.
I was thinking it will become a best-seller and that i will do the same for thirdparties and maybe other elements, but it was a real flop !

What i mean is that Dolibarr can do the most complexity, but is here to satisfy the most people.
And do not forget that it is free and the global “economical” model that made Dolibarr as great after more than 15 years is that the one who wants more from it pays for it :wink:

It might be a brutal conclusion but we are on the international forum speaking english and “business is business” :wink: (in France we say “pas de bras, pas de chocolat”) ::slight_smile: