Dolibarr V13 is out đź‘Ś (update: 13.0.5 available)

It happens to me If I tried to open a lot modules together. Just dont do it

Yes it happens to me too…after installing v13.0
Security token has expired, so action has been canceled. Please try again.
And is hanging up on each action Sav/Modify set up modules…
Any advise how to fix it?

It is a no officially bug and will be fixed with the next version

Thanks a lot!
now with workaround is ok.

Hello I am also getting the same error, Security token has expired, so action has been canceled. Please try again. While I am going to change permission for any user.


The Dolibarr version 13.0.1 is out !

You can download it from SourceForge.

The complete list of change is available on the ChangeLog.

Still have problem with Recalculation Methods in Vendor Invoice… It not working…

A very good update, it works well, thanks for this update! :+1:

I have a question related to a new module Recruitment, I’ve made the update uto 13.0.1. but I seem to not find the recruitment module. Can you please indicate where I can find it.

Valentin Magliano


The Dolibarr version 13.0.2 is out !

You can download it from SourceForge.

The complete list of change is available on the ChangeLog.

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A post was split to a new topic: Error during upgrading to V13.0.2 using deb

Where do we download this without the whole of WAMP? github seems to have a DEV version but cant find the official 13.0.0, 13.0.1 and 13.0.2 anywhere.

We host our own Apache webserver so i only need the HTML files.


On sourceforge you have everthing :

On GitHub you can download the last version of each “branch” (dev,V13,V12,…) by selecting the branch then download :

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Thanks, we used SourceForge to get the code with no webserver

Ok then use this : Dolibarr ERP - CRM - Browse Files at

Where does this go? we tried in Setup > Oher Setup, logged out and back in, doesnt make any difference to the theme…


After that you need to clear the browser cache by “Ctrl + F5”

That was the first thing i tried…

We are using Setup > Display (skin theme = md), does this make any difference?

Skin theme should be ELDY

but what is the workaround? I am on 13.0.2 with MAIN_SECURITY_CSRF_WITH_TOKEN=0, MAIN_CSRFCHECK_WITH_TOKEN=0 and nothing