E-mail notification from Agenda Event Assignment?

Hello Dolibarr community,

Just signed up on the forum. We have recently started using Dolibarr (from 6.0.0-rc and now upgraded to the stable). Looking forward to integrate the platform to our other systems and to do a lot of ODT customization -- we’ll see how well that goes. Basically we moved away from Pipedrive as a sales pipeline tool and want to manage the whole process with a single system.

One thing I’m currently wondering, is there really no functionality to send mail notification when events on the Agenda module are assigned to a user? This would seem quite important yet I haven’t been able to locate this functionality. We are using the agenda module to manage activities in the pre-commercial-proposal phase and being able to assign tasks effectively to others is very important.

If the functionality is not there then is there a triggering mechanism from event creation that we can expand to send the mail, i.e. from a shell script or so?


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email notii is planned for a future version but not before 2018.
Before that, you can scan the table llx_actioncomm

Does the dolibarr 9 have this feature now… agenda notifi

Hi Eldy,
I’m on version 10.0.6. How do I setup notification when I assign a tasks (agenda and or projects)

This feature is still not available in v10 and v11.
We hope to have it in v12 this summer.

Thanks Eldy, looking forward to this feature.

Hello Eldy,

I hope you are doing well with the receipt of this message. Do you have a specific date for this enhancement? Could you please let me know when it is ready? Thank you.

Best regards,

Francisco Arostegui


V12 is planned for July 2020

I upgraded to V12. Where should I find customization and/or parameters for this in the new version?

yes i don’t even find it. where can i find it?


Hi, we are using V15. Has the feature mentioned in the subject been brought?

Hello all,

I am on Dolibarr Version 19 and I still cant seem to find the functionality allowing me to send an email after a create a task. Has this been implemented on version 19?