Email template issue

email template issue
i am looking for the area you can change the invoice and ticket email templates.
also are you able to make a template like this

Subject: [Your Company Name] Support Ticket: [Issue/Topic]

Dear [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. Thank you for reaching out to [Your Company Name] for support.

We have received your request and are dedicated to resolving the issue as efficiently as possible. Your ticket has been successfully opened with the following details:

  • Ticket ID: [Ticket ID]
  • Date Submitted: [Date]
  • Issue/Topic: [Brief Description]

Our support team will review your request promptly and provide you with updates as we progress towards a resolution.

Please feel free to provide any additional information or context that might help us better understand and address your concern. We value your feedback and are committed to ensuring your satisfaction.

Rest assured, we are here to assist you every step of the way. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to resolve the issue.

If you have any urgent concerns or queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us directly at [Your Contact Information].

Thank you for choosing [Your Company Name]. We look forward to resolving your issue swiftly and to your satisfaction.

Best regards,

[Your Name] [Your Position] [Your Company Name] [Your Contact Information]

Hi @Eskos8

Tools → Email templates

There you first choose Type of template and then click on the info icon next to content to find the available substitution variables

is there a way to pull data automaticly
so it will pull the

ticket name
ticket number

look at @sonikf’s reply. There is a little i icon when you send a ticket email manually. Click that little i and see some of the available substitution variables. You can find the same little i in the email templates that @sonikf mention, but I find it a little easier to figure out what data is actually in those fields when I look at the list when sending emails manually.

how do you make coustom ones

What do you mean by name and number? Try to be more specific.

If name = subject it exists

If number = track id it also exists

rest available


that is a Complemtary Attribute and you need to make those in the setup of the module under Home, Setup, Modules/Apllications, and in your case you would go in under invoice and ticket and by clicking the cogwheel and changing to the 2 or 3. tab where the Complementary Attributes are located.

One you have those, you need to address them in the emails using the method in these 2 pictures

and when you click that little i you get a popup with lots of available substitution variables, how to address them and if they have any content.

In this forum software you probably have to put the fields in a ` character and change the line to get it like this:


one can also use 3 ´ characters in a row each on their own line


but as you can see that also messes up the typographics :frowning:


That line was an attempt at doing a block quote and that doesn’t work well either. so I recommend sticking to ` characters or a picture, though a picture is not quote able and not text selectable for cut’n’paste either.


This line was made with ´ characters just before the __ and after the last __ on each line.