Email to supplier peer 2 weeks to notify supplier


I want to notify supplier after i purchase product every two weeks by email module .
Are there any way to do that ?

Yes, this is possible by making a module with some functions:

  • Create Notification Supplier with subfunctions like:
  • Select wharehouse amount or Select Purchase order where … etc.
  • Mail supplier.
    The main function can be triggered by the task schedular. You need cronjobs/tasks enabled on your server.

we are developing a “Recursive mailing” module that allows the sending of any type of mail in a programmed and recursive way.
If this interests you, let’s stay in touch!


Thanks for your suggestion , i will need to do some research to find out how to make a module .


Do you have a demo website for your module ?

The demo site is there, but the module isn’t ready yet, I’ll send you the link when we’re done