Error after migrating to new server

Hello, I’m having a problem searching the list of customer invoices. When entering the list, all the invoices appear, but when I try to filter them, no record appears, the error in the debugbar is the following.
Undefined variable $title (/home/public_html/dolibarr/compta/facture/list.php:983

line 983 says the following: llxHeader(‘’, $title, ‘EN:Customers_Invoices|FR:Factures_Clients|ES:Facturas_a_clientes’);

I can provide more information if asked, perhaps this will help to start tracking the problem

Dolibarr was installed in another server, then I make the DB backup and the Documents folder backup to migrate to a new server (all in dollibarr 17.0.1) but then i upgraded to 18.0.0

Update to latest version (Database) 18.0.0
Initial installation version 14.0.1

Hello :slight_smile:

What is your php version ? is it different with your old installation ?
Can you activate th Debug logs module ?

Good continuation

PHP Version 8.0.29

I checked the old server (PHP Versión 8.0.12) and now it have the same error
Ive tryed to change PHP 7.3 and PHP 8.2 and the error is the same

The debug bar is activated. the error is Undefined variable $title (/home/u432065149/domains/

Hello :slight_smile:

your problem is similar with this post in french forum

you can verify in conf/conf.php that the value $dolibarr_main_prod is set to 1
and eventually use php version less than version 8

Good continuation

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Thanks, I love you! I have switched to PHP 7.4 and set $dolibarr_main_prod=“1”; in conf/conf.php and it worked!!!
Now Will I be forever stuck in PHP 7.4?

Hello :slight_smile:

you just have to wait new release !!!