Error when entering payment for downpayment invoice

I am trying to enter a payment for a downpayment invoice and I have the following error every time:

Unknown column ‘vat_src_code’ in ‘field list’ - sql=INSERT INTO llx_societe_remise_except (entity, datec, fk_soc, discount_type, fk_user, description, amount_ht, amount_tva, amount_ttc, tva_tx, vat_src_code, multicurrency_amount_ht, multicurrency_amount_tva, multicurrency_amount_ttc, fk_facture_source, fk_invoice_supplier_source) VALUES (1, ‘2020-09-20 09:54:12’, 15, 0, 1, ‘(DEPOSIT)’, 43830, 8766, 52596, 20, ‘’, 43830, 8766, 52596, ‘3’, null)

The payment does not want to be recorded either in the invoice page or in the banking page but the preview of the invoice preview document shows the payment.
Any clue ?
I updated my Dolibarr to 12.0.2 in between the creation of the invoice and the payment and updated as well from Crabe to Sponge templates (tried to come back to Crabe format but payment not working either)

Thank you for your help