Extrafields totalizable on Quotation/Order/Invoice

Hi, I’m trying to do something that is apparently simple:
I added an “extrafield” field on the Product tab, which is called “shipping” and is a number, visible and “totalizable”.

First of all I would like to see this number in the product lines that I add on the pages: estimates / orders / invoices.
How you do it?

I wish I could add this number (since it’s “totalizable”) multiplying it line by line on the given “quantity” of each product, and then having the total on the invoice.
How you do it?

Thanks in advance for the answers.


First of all I would like to see this number in the product lines that I add on the pages: estimates / orders / invoices.
How you do it?

Not possible by default. A product Extrafield will be displayed only on product pages/lists.
Need to developp an external module

I wish I could add this number (since it’s “totalizable”) multiplying it line by line on the given “quantity” of each product, and then having the total on the invoice.
How you do it?

Same answer. Not possible by default, need to develop a specific module.

May be you can explain what is the need behind, may be there is other ways to fill it !

Hello thank you for your reply! :slight_smile:

The need behind is simple:
we must be able to calculate the “extrafield” on each product line (shipping_exception * quantity) and be able to add the total at the end of the estimate / invoice / order.
“shipping_exception” is the name of the extrafield on the product’s card.
Maybe there is a module already developed… but we didn’t found.

Thank you in advance.


Could you explain more what is this shipping exception?
It should be applied to each line?
Why the sum at the end?

I have a number on the product page that represents the shipping costs and that I set as “extrafield” named “spese_spedizione” in italian, we can translate with: shipping costs.
For example:

  • product 1: shipping_cost = 1,22
  • product 2: shipping_cost = 1,99
  • product 3: shipping_cost = 3,55.

So, given that the field has the property “visible and” totalizable", I thought it was easily visible and summable in the estimates / orders / invoices.

I do not understand at this point what the terms “visible” and “totalizable” refer to if it is necessary to develop an external module in any case if you want to use the numbers or the values inserted in the various extrafields.

Thank you in advance for your reply :slight_smile:


When you set Product Extrafileds, the fields “Visible” and “totalizable” refers to the Product module so manly the Product list.
On the product list you will see extrafiels if “visible” is activate
And you will have the total at the end of list if “totalizable” is activated

Ok thank you!
I will develop a custom module.
Best regards.

@vinzent Did you develop the module, I am trying a similar thing, thanks?

Hello Nach,
we have a partnership with Linx.ws which has developed a customized module for our needs.
You can contact them and ask them if the module developed for us is also suitable for you.
Ask for Mr. Martini, I’ve already talked to him about it. :wink:
e-mail info@linx.ws
Tel. +390692957030
Best regards.