Field 'mor' doesn't have a default value

hi all, can someone help me please?

my dolibarr has 3 different Identity thanks to multicompany module
1st (empty) work well
2nd (project, calendar, orders, products) some extrafields in project that working well
3rd (project, calendar, orders, products) I add extrafields in project and seems that working but… in the project car I can see the extra fiels but … when I try to “use” the selection list and try to save I receive this message: Field ‘mor’ doesn’t have a default value

any idea to solve this issue?

version data
multicompany 7.0.1


First upgrade to the latest 7.0.x version, it is 7.0.5 for now, that correct a lot of bugs !
If you still have the bug may be it is because of multicompany module try to disable it.

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mmm during the update I have find an issue:

Errore DB_ERROR_1067: CREATE TABLE llx_website_account(rowid integer AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,login varchar(64) NOT NULL,pass_encoding varchar(24) NOT NULL,pass_crypted varchar(128),pass_temp varchar(128),fk_soc integer,fk_website integer NOT NULL,note_private text,date_last_login datetime,date_previous_login datetime,date_creation datetime NOT NULL,tms timestamp NOT NULL,fk_user_creat integer NOT NULL,fk_user_modif integer,import_key varchar(14),status integer) ENGINE=innodb;
Invalid default value for ‘tms’

any suggestion to solve this issue?