I am using Version 20.0.1
I have created a product where I selected fields
Use lot/serial number
Sell-by date or Eat-by date is mandatory
I created a BOM and then a Manufacturing Order, when I try to Complete my order by pressing “COMPLETE CONSUME ALL” on the manufactured product I cant add the Sell-by nor Eat-by date, only lot number is available. However when I try to save the order I get the error “Field Sell-by date is required MRP”
I created an order (Login @ 20.0.1) on the demo site where this can be replicated, just click on COMPLETE AND CONSUME ALL BUTTON and you can add LOT number field but not Eat-By nor Sell-By fields for manufactured product.
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I have the same problem and I don’t understand how to solve it. did you manage?
I am still working on it, will try via the API to validate if the problem comes from the UI. Will let you know.
Still the error on newest version of the demo.
Steps to reproduce
- I created a product (to be manufactured) with serial number, Exp Date and Sell By Date.
- Create a List of Materials for that product
- Create a Manufacturing Order for the product
- When trying to produce all and close order still same error “Field Sell by date and Exp Date are required”
There is no field for entering dates on the Manufacturing order, only field for serial number in the “Items to Produce Table”
You can check the Order at
If you try to “PRODUCE ALL” and save you will get the error
thank you so much gustavoc for following up on my request. I finally solved it, it was a date issue.
I deactivated the deadline on the item and activated batch management on the item master data.
Thanks for the update, so are you able now to enter the Sell By and Expiration Date when you close the Manufacturing Order? Because I still can close the order, I keep getting the error.
yes I solved it by deactivating the expiration dates from the item master data and inserting them in the batch management. try to do a check too
Thanks you but 90% this is a bug, it missing a field for adding dates in LOT when create MRP