Get LOT Number form dolibarr database

Could someone please assist me with a MySQL query to get the lot number for each shipped product assuming I have the product ID?

I think this is what you are looking for…

pl.batch as `S\N`,
e.ref as 'Delivery-ID',
soc.nom as 'Customer', 
edb.qty as 'Qty',
pr.rowid as 'Product-ID',
pr.ref as 'Product-Ref'
from llx_product_lot pl
LEFT JOIN llx_product pr ON pl.fk_product = pr.rowid
LEFT JOIN llx_expeditiondet_batch edb ON pl.batch = edb.batch
LEFT JOIN llx_expeditiondet ed ON edb.fk_expeditiondet = ed.rowid
LEFT JOIN llx_expedition e ON ed.fk_expedition = e.rowid
LEFT JOIN llx_societe soc ON e.fk_soc = soc.rowid 
where pl.fk_product = '<your product ID>' AND e.rowid <> '';