How about multicurrency integration? I'm quite annoyed 😞

Hey everyone,

I’ve been using Dolibarr since version 5.0, and I’ve recently been testing Dolibarr 18. I want to talk about the multi-currency management feature, which I believe needs a bit of improvement. :disappointed:

Let’s take a look at this example:

This invoice is in USD, $20 to be exact. Naturally, my customer paid in USD as well, not Mexican pesos (MXN), which is my company’s currency.

Now, here’s the puzzling part: why is it so challenging to locate the $20 amount in this “new” interface? All the amounts displayed (yes, including the PAYMENT!) are calculated in pesos! :confused:

I completely understand the importance of seeing both USD and MXN amounts, but come on, there are a bit too many MXN amounts popping up. The payment section takes the cake – the customer paid in DOLLARS, so why’s the invoice showing the amount in PESOS? :woozy_face:

Let’s dive into more multi-currency quirks

Why isn’t it possible to save the CURRENCY linked to the PROVIDERS’ PRICES!? I get that it could be inferred from the supplier’s currency, but hey, sometimes the same supplier gives me prices in various currencies. It’s not always an automatic exchange rate calculation. Often, it’s a fixed (and rounded) price unaffected by daily currency rates.

Or what if I have old prices from a supplier in one currency, but they’re now quoting me in a different currency? The scenario varies.


Defaulting to multi-currency

In my view, as a developer, multi-currency shouldn’t be an “optional” add-on like it is now (a core module enable/disable). Multi-currency should be as intuitive and widespread as multi-language functionality!

Developers could simplify certain cards, listings, and stats when the currency matches the main company currency.

My apologies

I want to apologize for my directness, but seriously, for folks like me who deal with multiple currencies, this topic is a real headache in Dolibarr. I haven’t seen significant improvements in this area. I get that the core DEV team is in France, where EUR is king, but the reality is that our world is becoming more global by the day. Dealing with multi-currency is becoming essential for more and more people.

I’m sorry if I come off as “demanding.” I’ve actually contributed to Dolibarr’s GitHub by patching a few issues over the years, but tackling this CORE multi-currency topic is beyond my abilities. So, this post aims to kickstart a discussion about this area. I hope no one’s offended – truth is, I’m a Dolibarr enthusiast. Thank you for being here!
