How come my product description isn't showing when generating odt

Hi, need some assistances

Why is my Odt file not working when i m try to generate it, is the code wrong what



  1. because you should use open office and not Word to generate ODT
  2. Because the tags should not be with formating

Hi so without formatting meaning what is the base form of the font

Warning.png Warning, tags must be rounded with {} or [] for arrays (see later) and must be typed with no stop using Office suite (with no backspace and no copy-paste). If not doing that, Office suite adds some invisible information makes detection/replacement impossible. With LibreOffice you can also use the Ctrl+M to remove direct formatting from Tags

Ok thx mate will try it now

Hi @ksar, could you help me

So followed every step in there how come i still can’t, it won’t convert, is there mistake that i made.
