We are trying to understand how to update lines of a Supplier Order (supplierorder) using the REST API.
No error message is returned. The endpoint returns a 200 OK status message, but the supplierorder is not being updated. Is this a bug or we are doing something not correct?
Below is the request payload to update the order line on the endpoint http://dev001.xxxx.xxx/api/index.php/supplierorders/58
"lines": [
"rang": "1",
"special_code": "0",
"pu_ht": 1.50000000,
"ref": "379",
"libelle": "Soya",
"product_ref": "379",
"product_label": "Soya",
"qty": 400,
"subprice": 1.50000000,
"product_type": "0",
"fk_product": 22,
"remise_percent": "0",
"id": 11,
"total_ht": 600.00000000,
"total_tva": 0.00000000,
"total_localtax1": 0.00000000,
"total_localtax2": 0.00000000,
"total_ttc": 600.00000000,
"specimen": 0
Attached is the line that would would like to update.
The response payload returned by the REST API is below
"id": "58",
"ref": "(PROV58)",
"ref_supplier": "",
"brouillon": 1,
"statut": "0",
"billed": "0",
"socid": "28",
"fourn_id": "28",
"date": 1657647178,
"date_creation": 1657647178,
"date_valid": "",
"date_approve": "",
"date_approve2": "",
"date_commande": "",
"date_livraison": "",
"delivery_date": "",
"total_ht": "300.00000000",
"total_tva": "0.00000000",
"total_localtax1": "0.00000000",
"total_localtax2": "0.00000000",
"total_ttc": "300.00000000",
"source": "0",
"fk_project": null,
"cond_reglement_id": "1",
"cond_reglement_code": "RECEP",
"cond_reglement_label": "Due upon receipt",
"cond_reglement_doc": "Due upon receipt",
"fk_account": null,
"mode_reglement_id": null,
"mode_reglement_code": null,
"user_author_id": "1",
"user_valid_id": null,
"user_approve_id": null,
"user_approve_id2": null,
"refuse_note": null,
"extraparams": [],
"lines": [
"fk_commande": null,
"fk_parent_line": null,
"fk_facture": null,
"rang": "1",
"special_code": "0",
"pu_ht": "1.50000000",
"date_start": "",
"date_end": "",
"ref_supplier": "",
"remise": null,
"label": null,
"ref": "379",
"libelle": "Soya",
"product_ref": "379",
"product_label": "Soya",
"product_desc": "",
"product_tobatch": "0",
"product_barcode": null,
"qty": "200",
"price": null,
"subprice": "1.50000000",
"product_type": "0",
"desc": "",
"fk_product": "22",
"remise_percent": "0",
"vat_src_code": "",
"tva_tx": "0.0000",
"localtax1_tx": "0.0000",
"localtax2_tx": "0.0000",
"localtax1_type": "",
"localtax2_type": "",
"info_bits": 0,
"multicurrency_subprice": "1.50000000",
"multicurrency_total_ht": "300.00000000",
"multicurrency_total_tva": "0.00000000",
"multicurrency_total_ttc": "300.00000000",
"id": "11",
"fk_unit": null,
"date_debut_prevue": null,
"date_debut_reel": null,
"date_fin_prevue": null,
"date_fin_reel": null,
"entity": null,
"validateFieldsErrors": [],
"import_key": null,
"array_options": [],
"array_languages": null,
"linkedObjectsIds": null,
"canvas": null,
"origin": null,
"origin_id": null,
"ref_ext": null,
"statut": null,
"status": null,
"state_id": null,
"region_id": null,
"demand_reason_id": null,
"transport_mode_id": null,
"last_main_doc": null,
"fk_bank": null,
"fk_account": null,
"total_ht": "300.00000000",
"total_tva": "0.00000000",
"total_localtax1": "0.00000000",
"total_localtax2": "0.00000000",
"total_ttc": "300.00000000",
"lines": null,
"date_creation": null,
"date_validation": null,
"date_modification": null,
"specimen": 0,
"description": "",
"ref_fourn": ""
"origin": null,
"origin_id": null,
"linked_objects": [],
"fk_multicurrency": "0",
"multicurrency_code": "ZAR",
"multicurrency_tx": "1.00000000",
"multicurrency_total_ht": "300.00000000",
"multicurrency_total_tva": "0.00000000",
"multicurrency_total_ttc": "300.00000000",
"entity": "1",
"validateFieldsErrors": [],
"import_key": null,
"array_options": {
"options_binid": null,
"options_commodityid": null,
"options_gradeid": null,
"options_vehicleid2": null,
"options_vehicleid1": "-",
"options_firstweight": null,
"options_secondweight": null,
"options_driveridnumber": null,
"options_deductions": null,
"options_netweight": null,
"options_tickettype": "1",
"options_factorvalues": null
"array_languages": null,
"linkedObjectsIds": [],
"canvas": null,
"contact_id": null,
"user": null,
"ref_ext": null,
"status": "0",
"country_id": null,
"country_code": null,
"state_id": null,
"region_id": null,
"demand_reason_id": null,
"transport_mode_id": null,
"shipping_method_id": null,
"model_pdf": "muscadet",
"last_main_doc": null,
"fk_bank": null,
"note_public": "",
"note_private": "",
"name": null,
"lastname": null,
"firstname": null,
"civility_id": null,
"date_validation": null,
"date_modification": null,
"specimen": 0,
"fk_incoterms": "0",
"label_incoterms": null,
"location_incoterms": "",
"remise_percent": "0",
"methode_commande_id": "0",
"methode_commande": null