How to disable delete lines from takepos order after receipt printing

in some cases the cashier can print receipt to the customer and collect cash, lets say 3 items for 10$ then he delete one line for 2$ and click direct payment cash to close the sale so the total now 8$ not 10$ and put the 2$ in his pocket
is there a way to make change in order not possible once the receipt printed and need special password from the supervisor to make necessary changes if the receipt contains wrong item nor ordered
the takepos used in cafe / restaurant
i installed advanced permission module but there is no option available let me do that

Has this question been answered already? I am experiencing same problem.

No one answered yet it seems there is no known solution

It’s unfortunate. Then it means TakePOS is not a sufficient for checks and balances which is one of the main reasons for softwares.
I will request the many Smart contributers to this project to have a second look at this issue.

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Hi, i found that we can check balance from pos by opening day by user how can access to cash account then the pos user can see balance and close day from pos