How to get an English Chart of Accounts

sorry that check box is not there on mine. That is the one provided by the host, I could load my own copy of phpMyAdmin, but that would be a pain.

Any other ideas?

what about exporting llx_accounting_account open it with editor and find/replace PCG99-BASE with ENG-BASE then re import?

Try running SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0 for both tables:
In that order
Don’t forget afterwards when you are done trying out the tutorial to return to:

To make this work I had to select the [Edit] button at the bottom of the box that shows the statement.

I hope this helps others,

Thanks again,

1 Like

I also struggle with implementing the English Chart of Accounts.
I opened http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ but I cannot login.
My account credentials don’t work so I looked further and I found database credentials but there is default password which I do not know.
What is the way to log in to phpMyAdmin please? I use version 6.0.4

see this:

Last post in that:

In the end removing “Require valid-user” from the phpmyadmin.conf file allowed me in to the web ui.

Thank you for you reply.
My knowledge in this area is quite poor so explanation as simple as possible would be appreciated.
I found the file you mention and this is the only content:

[size=2]Alias /phpmyadmin “c:/dolibarr/apps/phpmyadmin4.1.14/”


To grant access to dolibarr from outside set lines

Order Allow,Deny

Allow from all

instead of

Order Deny,Allow

Deny from all

Allow from


To grant access to dolibarr from outside set lines

Require all granted

instead of

Require local

<Directory “c:/dolibarr/apps/phpmyadmin4.1.14/”>
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
AllowOverride all
Require local

Can you please advise me what should I remove?

This might help:
Reset password

Hi ariffidaali,

Because older phpmyadmin versions don’t have the Enable Foreign Key Checks box on the SQL tab, your Update SQL’s should be:

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
UPDATE llx_accounting_account SET fk_pcg_version = ‘ENG-BASE’ WHERE fk_pcg_version = ‘PCG99-BASE’;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
UPDATE llx_accounting_system SET pcg_version=‘ENG-BASE’,label = ‘The base accountancy plan in English’ WHERE pcg_version = ‘PCG99-BASE’;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

Just makes it easier for folks using older version of phpmyadmin.

Otherwise this is a great fix for English users.


1 Like

Hi searl08,
Thanks for that. That will beneficial to other users. Another user called Alvin had the same problem, see previous posts. He solved it by:
To make this work I had to select the [Edit] button at the bottom of the box that shows the statement.

i still have this error


SQL query:

UPDATE llx_accounting_account SET fk_pcg_version = ‘ENG-BASE’ WHERE fk_pcg_version = ‘PCG99-BASE’

MySQL said: Documentation
#1452 - Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (hitechsn_dolibarr.llx_accounting_account, CONSTRAINT fk_accounting_account_fk_pcg_version FOREIGN KEY (fk_pcg_version) REFERENCES llx_accounting_system (pcg_version))

please help in this ( am using 6.0.4 )

Hi Diaa,

I have given the solution to that issue here:
Foreign key checks

Can you provide an export of table llx_accounting_account with format .sql (so with instruction to insert record)
insert into …
insert into …

to so i can include the english chart of account by default ?


Hi Eldy,
That’s a good idea to include it by default. I have sent it to you and also attached it here.

The attached file in txt format

Pièces jointes :


I tried everything here, I don’t have this checkbox and I tried the other method but I get the error message

Have you tried searl08’s solution:
Because older phpmyadmin versions don’t have the Enable Foreign Key Checks box on the SQL tab, your Update SQL’s should be:

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
UPDATE llx_accounting_account SET fk_pcg_version = ‘ENG-BASE’ WHERE fk_pcg_version = ‘PCG99-BASE’;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

SET foreign_key_checks = 0;
UPDATE llx_accounting_system SET pcg_version=‘ENG-BASE’,label = ‘The base accountancy plan in English’ WHERE pcg_version = ‘PCG99-BASE’;
SET foreign_key_checks = 1;

Just makes it easier for folks using older version of phpmyadmin.

If that doesn’t work try Alvin’s solution:
To make this work I had to select the [Edit] button at the bottom of the box that shows the statement.

I hope this helps others,

Thanks again,

Dear Ariffidaali

thank you for your support, but unfortunately am still facing the same issue.

Try copying and pasting the txt file (attached) into phpmyadmin and then running it. That may work.

Pièces jointes :


– Constraints for dumped tables

– Constraints for table llx_accounting_account

ALTER TABLE llx_accounting_account
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_accounting_account_fk_pcg_version FOREIGN KEY (fk_pcg_version) REFERENCES llx_accounting_system (pcg_version);
MySQL said: Documentation

#1215 - Cannot add foreign key constraint