How to populate extrafield list depending another extrafield type checkbox list?


I have an extra field list for Third-party entity, type “checkbox” - I used checkboxes because of need multi-select option-.
That will let me know if the proposal is from the Sales area, or from the Services area of the company.

-Third Party Extra field

  • Activities (act_thirdparty)
  • type: checkboxes
  • 1,Sales
  • 2,Services

Then, when creating a proposal, I have another extra field “area” to get one of the activities established in the third-party (never both).

Proposal Extra field
Area (area)
What “type” should I choose to allow me to obtain the value of the extra-field “Activity” in Third Parties and how?

I try with type “select list from another list” like help box but do not work. Maybe with a select list from table but I can’t found the solution yet

any suggestions?

Hi, I am looking for a similar solution. Didi you solve it?

No Ramon. tuve que hacer un modulo :wink:

:laughing: Garcias! Lo temía!
¿Te importaría compartirlo?

Thank you! I was dreading it!
Would you mind sharing it?