I just did a fresh install of Dolibarr on InMotionHosting. I received the Warning Message:
" Warning, your config file (htdocs/conf/conf.php ) can be overwritten by the web server. This is a serious security hole. Modify permissions on file to be in read only mode for operating system user used by Web server. If you use Windows and FAT format for your disk, you must know that this file system does not allow to add permissions on file, so can’t be completely safe. All security warnings (visible by admin users only) will remain active as long as the vulnerability is present (or that constant MAIN_REMOVE_INSTALL_WARNING is added in Setup->Other Setup)."
I went looking for the htdocs directory and it is not showing up. I had installed Dolibarr in the past and I had found it then. I had to uninstall it and am trying it again. However, I am confused about the “missing” directory. It has to be there for me to be getting the warning. I even did a search on my file listing and it did not find it.
What am I doing wrong?
Disregard, I found it. I found it under config.