I need your advice

Hello! I am a manufacturer of various textile products. Our production has recently grown a bit. It’s not very large-scale, but for the sake of convenience and time efficiency, I’d like to monitor the use of different types of fabrics, keep tabs on what’s remaining, and track the number of finished products. It would be fantastic to have an application that can automatically update this information and make it accessible to our employees. Do you have any recommendations for a program that would fit our needs? Is Dolibarr suitable for this purpose?
I would greatly appreciate your advice!

I think there is no standard module for this, however a lot of basics are already in place.
But you’re gonna need a developer to build it to your specs.
I’ve build a user-specific module for food processing but that cannot be used for these requirements.

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If you have some patience, you don’t need some special module for this at all, I dunno what the other dude is talking about

  • Add each fabric as a (not for sale) product, and your final products as (for sale) products
  • Perform Inventory your existing fabrics and final products and add them to a “warehouse”
  • For each sales order (that leads to invoice), generate an associated manufacturing order that consumes your textile products. You can also generate manufacturing orders regardless of having an originating sales order, or even generate the MO after you’ve build your final product
  • From sales orders, you can generate shipping documents and invoices very easily
  • When you order new fabrics, just inventory them in as you go
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That’s awesome! It means we can keep tabs on the entire production cycle.
Could you please inform me if it’s possible to track statistical data or create a monthly report within this application, or should I use another app for that?
Thank you for your reply!

In short - I would suggest to use another program for that.

There are some basic statistics built in (e.g. this many invoices/month, this much before-tax income/month, how many orders, % completed manufacturing orders, etc) but if you want to do analysis you will need to export the data and use something like Excel or Python/R or whatever tool you use.

Thankfully, once you figure out what you want for exported columns it’s not very hard to build an export template in Dolibarr so that you can export data of certain ranges or filters (or everything) of whatever columns are important for you.

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Thank you for your reply! You really helped me a lot!

Hi Lui,
to provide statistical data to my clients I suggest the Pivot Reports module.
It has a series of ready-made statistics and allows the creation of new ones, with practically no limits.
To create new statistics you must have knowledge of the Dolibarr database, but if you turn to a developer, he can create the statistics you need with very limited costs.
If you are interested in the solution, contact me privately

Thank you for the information. I will think about it!