Import Data Error

Hi Yal

Im trying to import a chart accounts in V12.0.2 with Excel 2007 format and send me this error

this is an example of my sheet, no one celd have any format

  • Line 1

Field 1: ‘Chart of accounts (aa.fk_pcg_version)’ is not a value found in field pcg_version of llx_accounting_system
Field 2: 'Accounting account (aa.account_number)
’ does not match regex rule ^.{1,32}$
Field 4: ‘Group of account (aa.pcg_type)’ does not match regex rule ^.{1,20}$
Field 5: 'Status (
’ does not match regex rule ^0 1$

If you use csv import, you can see why, because Excel does not always show the way it is stored.