Import Product Customer Prices

Our company is transitioning over to Dolibarr fully, and it is a great platform.

The only thing I’m unable to find is in the mass import options - if specific price per customer is used for Products, there is no import for customer specific prices.

Is there a workaround already developed / will this be implemented in the future? Currently will just be using a csv import to the llx_product_customer_price table, however this needs to be utilized by other sales members and I want to avoid errors.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Hey :slight_smile:

I make this kind of job transition since years, have a look at this demo - login : demo, password : demo, and change with Dolibarr containing all your previous datas…

you must create a sql script that will permit this, and you can do this by creating an import module for your customers prices…

Good continuation

Thank you! I ended up using the DBadminer module - so I can export the llx_customer_price, assign all customer prices, and update them with imports.