In step one Database server - Superuseraccess cannot be inserted on form

Hi, I am trying to setup a backup machine, so I try to make a fresh installation (dolibarr version 14.0.5).
Oddily I am stopped at the first step, i.e. where I shoud have the possibility to insert the Login and the Password for the Database server-Superuser access.
While I can insert all other data in this form, for these fields I am stopped (the stop symbol of the barred red circle appearing on the screen).
It is the first time I face myself with this lock while installing Dolibarr and I do not know what should be the reasons for this (Installing on OpenSuse Tumbleweed, php 8, apparently no firewall, no proxy etc.).

PHP V8 is not yet supported.

Thanx, so the strangeness should be linked to PHP 8, thank you, I will use another machine.