India GST number is not included below from company address

According to the Indian taxation very invoice should contain the from company (The company selling goods or services) with it’s address and to company (The company buying goods or services) with it’s address. In the invoice broth’s company TAX ID/ PROFILE ID should present below address.

I am using general crabe default ODT template. I have solved the problem for to company using setting MAIN_PROFID1_IN_ADDRESS = 1 in other setup. But I could not do find out to place the GST number for from company using any normal settings. Could any one tell me how to do this? @eldy could you help me?


Have you created the .ODT file complaint to India GST system…? If you may like to share it as a give back to Dolibarr community, please share the template in this forum.



You may find an answer in the “pdf_build_address” function in htdocs/core/lib/pdf.lib.php
this is the place where MAIN_PROFID1_IN_ADDRESS is used
and there is also another constant named MAIN_PROFID1_IN_SOURCE_ADDRESS which is used for “from company”…

Good continuation

For ODT document, you can get the ID of company usign this tags
and {company_vatnumber}

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Thanks for your solution. I have solved the problem from your information. I set the following configuration values to 1 in other setup and now GST and and PAN number is directly added in the invoice for source company.