Installation error associated to Ticket module

Getting started with Dolibarr a month ago, after all my initial mistakes I decided to do a fresh installation and configure from scratch in a hosting, however, now I am getting this error, I tried the fresh install in 2 different domains with exactly the same issue, as soon as I turn on the ticket module I get this error notification in my home page, any idea what is causing the problem and how to fix this?


------------------------------error notification start:

Dolibarr has detected a technical error.
This information can be useful for diagnostic purposes (you can set option $dolibarr_main_prod to ‘1’ to hide sensitive information):
Date: 20240117085118
Dolibarr: 18.0.4 -
Level of features: 0
PHP: 8.1.27
Server: Apache
OS: Linux 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Requested URL: /doli/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=home
Menu manager: eldy_menu.php

Modules/Applications: syslog, multicompany, user, api, accounting, debugbar, service, blockedlog, stock, productbatch, variants, bom, mrp, projet, eventorganization, ticket, resource, ecm, fckeditor, categorie, adherent, multicurrency, holiday, externalrss, expensereport, bookmark, recruitment, barcode, workflow, import, export, hrm, modulebuilder, opensurvey, website, societe, takepos, agenda, propal, socialnetworks, commande, notification, expedition, mailing, contrat, emailcollector, cron, ficheinter, knowledgemanagement, ldap, partnership, oauth, externalsite, fournisseur, geoipmaxmind, supplier_proposal, paypal, reception, stripe, incoterm, clicktodial, facture, printing, tax, receiptprinter, salaries, mailmanspip, loan, don, gravatar, banque, dav, paymentbybanktransfer, webhook, prelevement, margin, product
Database type manager: mysqli
Latest database access request error: SELECT t.rowid as id, t.ref, t.track_id, t.fk_soc, t.fk_user_create, t.fk_user_assign, t.subject, t.message, t.fk_statut as status, t.type_code, t.category_code, t.severity_code, t.datec, t.date_read, t.date_close, t.origin_email, type.label as type_label, category.label as category_label, severity.label as severity_label, s.nom as company_name, as socemail, s.client, s.fournisseur FROM llxxl_ticket as t LEFT JOIN llxxl_c_ticket_type as type ON type.code=t.type_code LEFT JOIN llxxl_c_ticket_category as category ON category.code=t.category_code LEFT JOIN llxxl_c_ticket_severity as severity ON severity.code=t.severity_code LEFT JOIN llxxl_societe as s ON s.rowid=t.fk_soc WHERE t.entity IN (1) ORDER BY t.datec DESC, t.rowid DESC LIMIT 5
Return code for latest database access request error: DB_ERROR_1267
Information for latest database access request error: Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation ‘=’

Dolibarr has detected a technical error.
This information can be useful for diagnostic purposes (you can set option $dolibarr_main_prod to ‘1’ to hide sensitive information):
Date: 20240117085118
Dolibarr: 18.0.4 -
Level of features: 0
PHP: 8.1.27
Server: Apache
OS: Linux 4.19.286-203.ELK.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jun 14 04:33:55 CDT 2023 x86_64
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Requested URL: /doli/index.php?mainmenu=home&leftmenu=home
Menu manager: eldy_menu.php

Modules/Applications: syslog, multicompany, user, api, accounting, debugbar, service, blockedlog, stock, productbatch, variants, bom, mrp, projet, eventorganization, ticket, resource, ecm, fckeditor, categorie, adherent, multicurrency, holiday, externalrss, expensereport, bookmark, recruitment, barcode, workflow, import, export, hrm, modulebuilder, opensurvey, website, societe, takepos, agenda, propal, socialnetworks, commande, notification, expedition, mailing, contrat, emailcollector, cron, ficheinter, knowledgemanagement, ldap, partnership, oauth, externalsite, fournisseur, geoipmaxmind, supplier_proposal, paypal, reception, stripe, incoterm, clicktodial, facture, printing, tax, receiptprinter, salaries, mailmanspip, loan, don, gravatar, banque, dav, paymentbybanktransfer, webhook, prelevement, margin, product
Database type manager: mysqli
Latest database access request error: SELECT t.rowid as id, t.ref, t.track_id, t.fk_soc, t.fk_user_create, t.fk_user_assign, t.subject, t.message, t.fk_statut, t.type_code, t.category_code, t.severity_code, t.datec, t.tms as datem, t.date_read, t.date_close, t.origin_email , type.label as type_label, category.label as category_label, severity.label as severity_label, s.nom as company_name, as socemail, s.client, s.fournisseur FROM llxxl_ticket as t LEFT JOIN llxxl_c_ticket_type as type ON type.code=t.type_code LEFT JOIN llxxl_c_ticket_category as category ON category.code=t.category_code LEFT JOIN llxxl_c_ticket_severity as severity ON severity.code=t.severity_code LEFT JOIN llxxl_societe as s ON s.rowid=t.fk_soc WHERE t.entity IN (1) ORDER BY t.tms DESC, t.rowid DESC LIMIT 5
Return code for latest database access request error: DB_ERROR_1267
Information for latest database access request error: Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation ‘=’


A bit of Search ?

/install/repair.php?force_utf8_on_tables=confirmed for Mysql only, when Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation ‘=’

Hello Ksar,
Thanks for the tip, I spent a couple of hours looking but I guess I did not know what to look for
I am just learning this at 60+ in my retirement to help my children set it up so it is taking me a while get acquainted with the language.
Can I impose one more time on you?, I have located the repair.php file, but do not know how to run it

Hello, figured out how to run the php install, just type the url address

1-remove the install.lock file
2-type in my browser the url of the file including the install.php file
3-now it seems to require parameters and not sure how to do this, my guess is to place a ? after the php extension and then add the parameter
The most likely parameter would be:

Option force_utf8_on_tables (force utf8 + row=dynamic), for mysql/mariadb only (‘test’ or ‘confirmed’) is undefined

So I guess I have to type in my browser: force utf8 + row=dynamic, for mysql/mariadb only ‘test’ is undefined


Ok no issue.

need to browse to :

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This is the line that seems to have executed correctly, however, I still see the same issue.
¨ for Mysql only, when Illegal mix of collations (utf8_general_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8_unicode_ci,IMPLICIT) for operation ‘=’

This is a fresh empty installation, a clean slate, is it supposed to take long? the script ran in a second
how do I know the script has finished doing its work?

Ksar, Thanks a lot, all working now
The script ran perfect and where it said before ¨Disabled¨ now it says ok, the warning is off. All good

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Hello, i think you should do a search in this forum or on google for this string :wink:

Hi, issue got fixed following the instructions by Ksar
Thanks for your help, I will investigate your suggestion as I do want to learn more about my issues with the program