Installation on local computer with non-default Apache port and MySQL port complete , but failed to start the program

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum and trying to learn more about this program. Unluckily i encountered some problems and couldn’t figure it out myself. I would really appreciate if someone here can help me out.

I have downloaded and installed Dolibarr on local PC but couldn’t start the program by clicking Dolibarr ERP Icon.

Here is my parameter setup while installing:
File location: E:/Doliwamp/dolibarr/

Technical parameters:
I didn’t use default port because the default port is utilized by other php programs. Here is the new port value:
Apache port: 8080
MySQL port: 3308
MySQL server and database password for root: 2135

NO failure or error notice comes up while installing. After installation i clicked Dolibarr ERP-CRM icon on my computer desktop, error notice comes up saying “http://localhost:8080/dolibarr/install/ Can’t find the program”. Refer to attached image. Dolibarr ERP-Error Notice


Hi friend. I think you should open the link in the web browser. Not in the window console.
Or you can check this link:
Kind regards.

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Thank you very much for your prompt proposal, Johny. I uninstalled and reinstalled the program and made some changes on file locations.

And you are right, url should be put into browser address bar.

Now i am going to try it out.

Thanks for your help!