installation step 2 error

i get error on step2.php
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.

server details
host: hostgator:
panel: plesk
type: shared hosting
php version: 7.1.9:
permissions: permissions given to all folder and files properly
logs: there is nothing in php error log
dolibarr version: 10.0.2
steps: step 4 and 5 is ok
installation: on subdomain


We need the apache log to understand :

we do not have option for apache log in plesk panel.
we have option logs and in that iis acess logs and php error logs.
i didnt get any php error log in my logs.


DO you have details on the error ot the 22-09-2019 06:41:08 ?

i dont have any error at that time…
i dont get any error in my log…

No error in log

In browser it shows
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.

Then you need to ask hosting compagny how is it possible that a error 500 doesn’t generate a log

i have manually fired the queries on database…

now when i go to htdocs in the browser, it shows me installation page again.

i have added install.lock. still it shows installation page

after adding install.lock in document folder

i get following image

when i click on “Click here to go to your application”

it comes to same page again

check conf file. also check version in database and files version.

Decrease PHP version on V5.5, i have the same problem with cPanel with PHP V 7.3.

What is error at Step 2?

On your server, set PHP version on V 5.5.

can anyone send me ready made database backup file, mysql.
as i am getting error as database is not properly.

thanx in advance

my web host’s max_execution_time set to 60 sec.
and i can not change it…

does this giving me error?


Personally on my localhost, set all time_out to 600 : broke with a «504 Gateway Time-out»

But php,script stil create the table in background … then no PHP error …

Is there a way to set up table via command line ?

Server information
PHP 7.3.10
mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev - 20150407
on 10.3.17-MariaDB

Go to directories…
Htdocs > install > database name

And just copy every single script and execute it on your db.

In my own case, I find this error in apache’s error log:

mod_fcgid: read timeout from pipe

I solved this issue by adding following directives to httpd.conf:

<IfModule fcgid_module>
FcgidIOTimeout 1200
FcgidConnectTimeout 1200
FcgidBusyScanInterval 1200
FcgidBusyTimeout 1200
FcgidErrorScanInterval 1200
FcgidIdleScanInterval 1200
FcgidIdleTimeout 1200
FcgidProcessLifeTime 3600
FcgidZombieScanInterval 1200

It seems this problem is cause by initiate the database take too long, and cause a timeout.