Inventory area don't work

Hello, I have the following error in the inventory area. Can someone help me here, please?

Datum: 20230418184348
Dolibarr: 17.0.1 -
Funktionslevel: 0
PHP: 8.1.17
Server: Apache/2.4.38 (Debian)
OS: Linux 0266132e7ce3 4.4.180+ #42962 SMP Fri Feb 10 16:34:59 CST 2023 x86_64
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:109.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/111.0

Angefragte URL: /product/stock/list.php?leftmenu=
Menüverwaltung: eldy_menu.php

Module/Anwendungen: supplier_proposal, clicktodial, reception, geoipmaxmind, printing, projet, externalrss, resourcecheck, eventorganization, user, categorie, fckeditor, partnership, import, export, addinventory, workflow, bookmark, hrm, notification, socialnetworks, stock, ldap, ficheinter, emailcollector, contrat, knowledgemanagement, agenda, bom, barcode, cron, commande, ecm, externalsite, fournisseur, holiday, mrp, product, opensurvey, resource, service, societe, ticket, website, receiptprinter, expedition
Datenbank Type Manager: mysqli
Letzter Fehlerhafter Datenbankzugriff: SELECT t.rowid, t.ref,t.lieu FROM llx_entrepot as t WHERE 1=1 AND t.entity IN (1) AND ((status = 1 AND entity IN (1))) ORDER BY t.ref ASC, t.lieu ASC
Rückgabewert des letzten fehlerhaften Datenbankzugriff: DB_ERROR_NOSUCHFIELD
Information zum letzten fehlerhaften Datenbankzugriff: Unknown column ‘status’ in ‘where clause’


Do you have external modules ?
If not, can you activate dolibarr logs :
Then reproduce the problem
Then send us the Dolibarr.log in document folder ?


I assume some how status field needs adding to llx_entrepot I got the same problem when I tried to change the display fields in Warehouse list

SELECT t.rowid, t.ref,t.lieu FROM llx_entrepot as t WHERE 1=1 AND t.entity IN (1) AND ((status = 1 AND entity IN (1))) ORDER BY t.ref ASC, t.lieu ASC

MySQL said: Documentation
#1054 - Unknown column 'status' in 'where claus

2023-06-05 09:45:00 DEBUG sql=SELECT u.rowid, u.lastname, u.firstname, u.employee, u.gender, u.civility as civility_code, u.birth,, u.personal_email, u.job, u.socialnetworks, u.signature, u.office_phone, u.office_fax, u.user_mobile, u.personal_mobile, u.address,,, u.fk_state as state_id, u.fk_country as country_id, u.admin, u.login, u.note_private, u.note_public, u.pass, u.pass_crypted, u.pass_temp, u.api_key, u.fk_soc, u.fk_socpeople, u.fk_member, u.fk_user, u.ldap_sid, u.fk_user_expense_validator, u.fk_user_holiday_validator, u.statut as status, u.lang, u.entity, u.datec as datec, u.tms as datem, u.datelastlogin as datel, u.datepreviouslogin as datep, u.iplastlogin, u.ippreviouslogin, u.datelastpassvalidation, u.datestartvalidity, u.dateendvalidity, as photo, u.openid as openid, u.accountancy_code, u.thm, u.tjm, u.salary, u.salaryextra, u.weeklyhours, u.color, u.dateemployment, u.dateemploymentend, u.fk_warehouse, u.ref_ext, u.default_range, u.default_c_exp_tax_cat, u.national_registration_number, u.ref_employee, c.code as country_code, c.label as country, d.code_departement as state_code, d.nom as state FROM llx_user as u LEFT JOIN llx_c_country as c ON u.fk_country = c.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON u.fk_state = d.rowid WHERE u.entity IN (0, 1) AND u.login = ‘carl’ ORDER BY u.entity ASC

Looks like a language problem perhaps change statut to status in llx_entrepot I added
status tinyint DEFAULT 1, – 1 open, 0 close

I assume this would be a frig and not the final answer