KIT, List and Manufacturing Order

Good morning
First of all, I apologize for my ignorance. I’ve been studying the use of Dolibarr for 2 months and I’m really just asking for help because I couldn’t find material that applies to my needs.
First I already registered products, customers, suppliers and made the complete inventory.
I’m trying to adapt Dolibarr to an autonomous liquor manufacturing business.
To summarize the manufacturing process, raw materials of type A, B, C and D are purchased. After being mixed in certain proportions, this resulting product is distilled, generating the final product E. The final product E must be stored in empty 200 liter containers and after a certain period of time the product E is removed from one or more containers and is transferred to empty bottles that are effectively sold.
My doubts regarding Dolibar are the following:

  • When comparing the raw material A from a supplier, it is sold in a package that contains 6 other individual packages inside, each individual package weighing 5 kg and the total weight is 30 kg. When registering the price list for this package, I can register the price of the 30k package but the price of the 5k unit does not appear. I have both types of packaging FD30 and PC5 registered. How to correctly enter the purchase price for these items.
  • I am also having difficulties creating a New bill of materials and later a New MO, because in order for the final product E to be created, it needs raw materials A, B, C and D that, after going through the distillation process, are temporarily stored in a a type of 200 liter container that is empty at first, but may have its storage capacity reduced as it is filled with the product AND until it is completely full and then it will be necessary to take another empty container from the stock to start filling this one. The same applies to the sale of full bottles, as there is a stock of empty bottles that are filled and sold.
    Again I apologize but my brain is on edge trying to solve these problems.
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As there were no answers or suggestions for my problem, I looked for other sources of knowledge and found the possible solutions described below. I leave it here as a way to help anyone who has a problem similar to mine:

  1. Make sure the Inventory and Production modules are enabled in “Module Configuration”.
  2. Create the necessary products (sugar, water, brown sugar, yeast,drink, empty bottle and bottle of drink of 2 liters) under “Products”.
  3. Create a warehouse for each 200 liter canister under “Warehouses”.
  4. Create a production order for the drink under “Production Orders”. Add the necessary products (Prod. Ar, Prod. B, Prod. C, Prod. D) as components and define the amount of drink produced.
  5. Validate the production order. This will reduce inventory of components and increase inventory of the drink .
  6. Transfer the drink produced to the corresponding warehouse in “Stock transfers”.
  7. When a canister is full, transfer the drink to another container under “Inventory Transfers”.
  8. Create a product “bottle of drink of 2 liters” and add the drink and the empty bottle as components.
  9. When a sales order is created for the bottle of drink of 2 liters, the stock of drink and the empty bottle will be reduced and the stock of the bottle of drink of 2 liters will be increased.

But since I have several canisters, how would the amount of drink added to the drum until it is full?
On Dolibarr, you can manage the amount of drink in each drum by creating a warehouse for each drum and transferring the drink produced to the corresponding warehouse. When a canister is full, you can transfer the drink for another candy.
To check the amount of drink in each drum, you can go to “Warehouses” and select the warehouse corresponding to the drum. There you will see the amount of drink stored in the canister.

Exist any other way to manage the canisters without having to create a warehouse for each canister?
On Dolibarr, an alternative way to manage the canisters without creating a warehouse for each one would be to use the lot and serial numbers module. With this module enabled, you can assign a lot or series number to each container and track the quantity of drink in each bottle using the lot or serial number.
To activate the batches and serial numbers module, go to “Module configuration” and activate the “Batches and serial numbers” module. Then edit the product “drink” and check the option “Manage by batches/serial numbers”. When you transfer the drink produced for the warehouse, you can select or create a new lot or series number for each drum.

How should a bill of materials be created correctly in the bill of materials module so that the production order of the drink on Dolibarr?
To create a bill of materials (BOM) for the production of drink on Dolibarr, you can follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the BOM module is enabled in “Module Configuration”.
  2. Create the necessary products (sugar, water, brown sugar, yeast anddrink) under “Products”.
  3. Go to “Bills of Materials” and click on “New Bill of Materials”.
  4. Select the product “drink” as the final product.
  5. Add the required products (sugar, water, brown sugar and yeast) as components and define the required amount of each component to produce a unit of drink.
  6. Save the bill of materials.
    You can now create a production order for the drink and select the bill of materials created. When the production order is validated, the stock of the components will be reduced and the quantity of drink produced will be added to the stock.

Dolibar is more an accounting system, not a production / factory methods for raw goods tracking. Other systems such as JobBOSS (North America) which are not free, might be able to do what you require however it is not cheap ($10’000 per year)… i am also not affiliated with them, some of my clients use that for which they take in raw material and create a product, it will also track the time by workers and can connect with pay roll companies to pay them.

I put this here incase you get confused as to why you cant find a way to do this in Dolibarr

Hello @Griffcomm,

Your points certainly make a lot of sense, but in my recent experience (over the last 2 years), more small and medium-sized companies from the manufacturing sector have been looking into Dolibarr.

In fact, the MRP module has been doing a great job for many of the companies of my clients. However, it’s also true that Dolibarr wasn’t originally designed to manage these kinds of processes.

Having said this, I’m confident that with an additional 3-6 years of development work on this MRP module, we could achieve a sufficiently powerful tool for manufacturing management within Dolibarr.


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