[Module: WebSite - v13.0.2 with virtual host] Wrapper generate bad path for pages template

Manual Install on VPS
Config: Dolibarr 13.0.2 / Apache 2.4.41 / Ubuntu 20.04 LTS / Mysql 8.0.23
root path dolibarr : /var/www/dolibarr
root path website : /var/lib/dolibarr/documents/website/

When dolibarr create pages with the website module it create 2 files:

  • A wrapper: pagename.php
  • A template : page26.tpl.php

The wrapper file check which url scheme it will use between 2 structure:

  • public : erp.domain_name.com/public/website/index.php?website=website&pageref=blog
  • virtual host : www.domain_name.com/blog.php

Wrapper code:
global $dolibarr_main_data_root; if (empty($dolibarr_main_data_root)) require '../page28.tpl.php'; else require $dolibarr_main_data_root.'/website/'.$website->ref.'/page28.tpl.php';

My problem is that for the virtual host case the template files are in the same directory and not in the parent one but the wrapper generate the path with …/ (see below)
“require ‘…/page28.tpl.php’;”
I can change it manually to ./page28.tpl.php and it will work fine but i will have the same problem for each new page and if i hit the regenerate website cache button the path revert back to …/page28.tpl.php

Did i miss a step in my config or is anybody had the same problem as me?

Thanks a lot