Hi All
Not sure if this is the correct place to put this request. I’ve searched extensively to find if there is a way to achieve this using current methods but have come up blank.
I run an electrical contracting company. I’ve been using Dolibarr for everything within it for about 4 years, learning much. Almost every time I create an invoice for a customer, I encounter the same problem. I’ve used kits and even listing every product and service used when generating the invoice but the result looks unprofessional to my customer.
As a simple example, if I install 2 downlights for a customer, I might use…
2x downlights
2x sockets
1x junction box
4 metres of cable
10 cable clips
30 minutes labour.
I have created a kit that contains all of these listed parts and it doesn’t work so well. I find I end up with many kits that are very similar and need a lot of maintenance. Likewise, if I list the parts in my invoice, the customer becomes quite confused. I might install downlights in many rooms, with a different number in each case.
So, I’m wondering if it’s at all possible to create ‘a dynamic single use kit’. That is, when creating an invoice line I can include a description (the work e.g. Install 2x downlights) as all of the components used. If the total sell price for the combined parts was totaled up, even better. This could also include the cost price of each component to give margin at the end. Debiting my stock (a very important art of this) would also be a requirement.
Is this something that is feasible? Or, is there a way I can achieve this that I may have missed?