New Installation Fails Integrity Check


This is my first time trying out Dolibarr, and I must say the installation process was smooth, and very well documented & coded. All issues regarding my system were clearly highlighted during each “Step” of the install process. Amazing!

After installation, I was going through the initial configuration and found a very nice tool called “Integrity Check”. I ran it with the “Remote distant signature” option but the check failed! It showed the results as follows:

and the table goes on to list 388 different files which I didn’t add here as I’m limited to add only 1 image as a new user.

What could be going wrong? Is this expected?

Thank you!


Replying to myself to add info that I missed in the last message:

I’ve installed Dolibarr 12.0.1 (as it was mentioned as the Latest Stable by Dolibarr homepage) on a Debian 9 running Virtualmin, PHP 7.4 & MariaDB 10.1.45 (all latest versions from Debian & Webmin official repository)