New Warehouse page shows blank

I cant add a new warehouse, it shows only the ref. line, same for stock movement.

Got an error message, afterwards and i don’t understand it.

Pls help


Will be corrected in V17.0.3.
THe FIX : Merge pull request #25000 from yledoare/17.0 · Dolibarr/dolibarr@6eb1175 · GitHub

Thank you for the quick response. Pls How do i apply this fix? not really a technical person to that extent.

is it the Status:=1 and Statut:=1 that is the issue?

Parent warehouse usage is the cause? what if i delete the use of Parent Warehouse, will i be able create new warehouse?


You need to open /product/stock/class/entrepot.class.php
Then locate the line 130, change the status by statut.

Thank you so much Ksar, found the path and was able to do it. it now corrected