Possibility to setup Clean/Pretty URL

Hello Everybody,

I would like to evaluate and understand more about Dolibarr. So today I have installed Dolibarr 12.0.3 on my Devuan Linux with Nginx 1.18, PHP 7.3 and MariaDB 10.1.47. Everything seems to work alright. I have played around with some Modules/Applications.

One thing that is a bit annoying me is that, there seems to be no possibility to setup Clean/Pretty URL. I have been digging issue log on github, Dolibarr’s wiki and this forum, but I still could find a way to do that.

Perhaps that is just due to my habit that I don’t like to see something like xxx.php?yyy=zzz on the address bar of my browser. It becomes my habit to set that up because all web based applications that I am using so far, e.g. Nextcloud, offer the possibility to do URL rewrite.

Did I over look that? Or is it not implemented?

Kind regards,
