Probleme du Token CSRF expiré

I just put Dolibarr 16 on a VPS hosted at OVH.
As you can see on the picture, I have the message of the expired token when I try to do a logging


You are on the English forum.
For french, please go there : Forum Dolibarr france

Most probably you have an external module that creates the issue

I re-writted in english

@ksar Any solution about the issue?

I have given you the problem :

Is the first installation on this VPS
How can I detect the module ?

If it is a fresh install, then I assume that you do not have external module.
So the other possiblity is that you have issues with PHP_SESSION.
Check your server configuration regarding PHP SESSION

I reset everything and still the same issue
Is there a way to disable CRSF security?

After several investigations I was able to find out where the problem came from.
The directory /var/lib/php/sessions is write protected so dolibarr can’t save sessions on it

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