Starting with dolibarr recently, I decided to make my own invoice template so it looks like the one I was using before. After some searching and trying I made a template with open office writer and it all more or less worked.
But as I did quite some tries the invoice number on my drafts went up. So I started to play with the masks in the invoice module to get it back to 0. I now know that I didn’t have to do that as the draft counter is apparently not connected to the validated invoice counter…
Anyway, since I touched those settings the product (servive) date doesn’t show anymore in my table of my invoice.
I’ll join a screenshot.
did you change ore move anything in the originally working odt-template? The template is very very sensitive regarding invisible control characters, which may end up in the document by copy/paste operations. There are several reports in this forum that removing the non-working placeholder and keying it in manually via the keyboard (no copy/paste) lead to a working template. So it’s at least worth a try.
Hey, thank you for your quick response!
I did most of the table with copy and special paste without any formatting, and this worked pretty well. Also, in the “faulty” invoice the code {line_date_end} is not visible (means the syntax is not faulty as far as I understand)…
Buy I’ll try anyway to write it out and see. You never know…
Tried, doesn’t change anything.
I’ll join my ODT file here if someone would like to have a look.
It’s downloadable on wetransfer as I can’t join ODT files.
Thank you! I would really like to get my date back on my invoice!