The profid I did set in the 12 version are now not available as were before in the society information profile and in the third parties profiles.
I noticed that changing country of the society different profid fields do appear, in some countries a few are shown accordingly to the country rules while for other countries all the profid available by default in older versions do appear available.
Just to check if this was an upgrade problem or something wrong with the installation I also installed a new instance Dolibarr 13.0.3, I have seen that this is how Dolibarr 13 works now, this behavior is not an error occurred during the upgrade process from 12 to 13
This new behavior of Dolibarr 13 disrupt the work of those who do upgrade from the 12 as I have not seen any warning about, nor any instruction to keep the old profid fields as they were.
I need all the profid fields I had before in the company profile and in the third parties profiles.
A further clue, in the settings>translations panel forprofid5 and profid6 there is a warning icon on the right side, hovering on it this message appear “you forced a new translation for the translation key ‘profid5’ that does not exist in any language file”
Trying to overwrite the translation keys one does receive a confirmation that the key is successfully overwritten, but checking it results that was NOT overwritten.
Truing to overwrite profid keys that appear to be empty results in getting success message but still an empty string, trying to overwrite a profid key that results to be already translated, as an example the proid5IT CODICE EORI results in getting successful overwriting confirmation message but no change at all as in fact keeps to be CODICE EORI
Bye the way, CODICE EORI is equal to VAT ID or Fiscal code, so I do not even see why should be shown, especially for internal market.
With a new major version of Dolibarr I would have expected a better method to add fields to proifles as needed and/or wished, not a more limited and messy cramp thing that seems not to work right even.
Anyone does know how to manage the profid fields or fix this problem?
Thank you
The (ugly) solution I found is to edit the translation files in htdocs/langs
I also needed to manually correct the table llx_overwrite_trans as from within Dolibarr for some reason the script in setup> translations does not work properly any more as before.
Furthermore I still do not know why in setup>translations on the right side of many of the overwritten keys appears a triangular warning icon outputting while hovering on it the popup message “you forced a new translation for the translation key ‘profid5’ that does not exist in any language file”.
Does anyone how to check what’s wrong and how to fix this too?
The fix I found to work is “ugly” as I guess each time I will upgrade Dolibarr I will have to repeat this fix, which is really a bad thing.
The message means you add a translation value for key ‘profid5’ but this key is not used by Dolibarr. The key used is ProfId5’
Try to remove the key ‘profid5’
The (ugly) solution I found is to edit the translation files in htdocs/langs
I also needed to manually correct the table llx_overwrite_trans as from within Dolibarr for some reason the script in setup> translations does not work properly any more as before.
Furthermore I still do not 192.168.l…254 know why in setup>translations on the right side of many of the overwritten keys appears a triangular warning icon outputting while hovering on it the popup message “you forced a new translation for the translation key ‘profid5’ that does not exist in any language file”.
Does anyone how to check what’s wrong and how to fix this too?
The fix I found to work is “ugly” as I guess each time I will upgrade Dolibarr I will have to repeat this fix, which is really a bad thing.
profid is a translation that does not exists. Sobadding a translation for this should have not effect. This explain the warning. You must use the same case for translation key than an original value found into a lang file if you want to change a translation key.