Project list not working in version 16

Hi, I think there is a bug in V16 listing the project list. It’s only listing one project in any of the categories: draft, open, closed instead of all the projects in those categories. I am not sure if this issue is coming from previous versions as we are starting to use the Project Module now.

Just to state that the same issue is registered in v16.0.1

In case one of the experts reads this, I was able to identified the issue when the multicompany module is on. The log is indicating that there is an error in the SQL statement (we are using MySQL) when trying to return the entity:
DoliDBMysqli::query SQL Error query: SELECT rowid, label, description, options, visible, active FROM llx_entity WHERE rowid =

It seems that the query is not passing the entity parameter to the fetch function in the multicompany class.

I hope that someone more knowledgeable could take this on. The same issue is happening listing the commercial proposals in the Commerce module!!!