Public ticket interface list error [SOLVED]

We are using Dolibarr v.12.0.1
In our public interface list for tickets, when the user tries to go to a specific page, the created URL is wrong.

Right now is creating the following URL:

There are two error:

  1. The public directory is written twice
  2. The ‘&’ connector is missing after ‘page=1’

So, it should be (and it actually works):

Any easy way to fix this issue? Do I need to edit the code? Can I expect a fix of this issue in future versions?

Thanks for the help

Ok. I fixed the problem.

In the file …/public/ticket/list.php

Line 209 change to: $param = ‘&action=view_ticketlist’;
Line 381 change to: print_barre_liste($langs->trans(‘TicketList’), $page, ‘list.php’, $param, $sortfield, $sortorder, ‘’, $num, $num_total, ‘ticket’);

Hope it will be useful and included in next version


Have you tried the upgrade to V12.0.2?
V12.0.3 will be out soon


I didn’t see any related entry in the ChangeLog. So not, I didn’t try the V12.0.2

I checked the files, and they are almost identical. There is one change in the line 204, but as I see it not related with this issue. So, I don’t see any reasons to try a new version if there isn’t any change.