Purchase Order Currencies

Hello Everyone.

I have recently installed Dolibarr to be used for my small business. One the reasons I’ve chosen to use it is the ability to create purchase orders which I use heavily. The one thing that is holding me back is that my business sells in Canadian Dollars, but my PO’s are written in US dollars.

When generating a Purchase Order, the dropdown box is present to select the currency but it only displays Canadian Dollars (the currency that is set in my setup) and Euro’s. I have USD activated but in the currencies settings, but it still doesn’t show up.

Is there a way to get USD to be present in that drop down as well? I’ve searched the forums for an answer but cant seem to find one anywhere. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Pièces jointes :

A bump for visibility.

Is anyone able to help answer this?

I need this too by adding USD dollars
did you suceed into doing this ?
I need too but I don’t know how

Hi, have you tried Multi currency module?
You can find it in: Setup Modules/Appliction, section Multi-module tools.

thanks, it works, was in multicurrency module